Updated: July 15, 2015

Life After College

Life after college is the beginning of a new chapter. There are a plethora of opportunities and experiences to be had, which were unavailable in college. Likewise, it can be intimidating, especially if you do not know what to expect. As an official adult now, you have adult responsibilities as well. You’ll be expected to figure out a lot on your own, from budgeting to deciding where you’ll be living now that campus housing is no longer an option. For your convenience, we’ve come up with some resources to cushion your transition, with information on everything from becoming a young professional to deciding whether its financially feasible to move out of your parents’ house and into your own place. Browse through our Life After College section and read the additional information below to get yourself feeling more at ease and less stressed about what you should do next.

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The "What’s Next" Feeling?

Many post-college students do not have their goals mapped out. You may have an idea of what you’d like to be doing in the near future - whether it's starting a career, traveling abroad or heading to grad school - however, you may not know how to get there or how what you’ll be doing immediately after graduation. Dealing with that “what’s next?” feeling is a reality for most. We’d like to help ease your mind a bit, and hope to address the anxiety you feel about figuring out life after college while giving you some ideas on what you could do with your life now that you’re not defined by your college campus. Try to take all the questions in stride, as we know many among your family and friends will surely want to know what you’re up to now. Take some time to think about what it is that you’d like to apply that college major to, and what you should prioritize to both land a job, figure out your housing situation, and come up with some long-term goals. The feeling is temporary, and keeping things in perspective helps. You’re not the only one stressing out about life after college.

Exiting the College Lifestyle

It is not solely what you will do post-college that matters, but also the process. Making the transition from a college student to a young professional is harder for some, but if you’re prepared for the kinds of responsibilities you’ll face, it will get easier with time and experience. We’ve not only come up with tips on the nuts and bolts of budgeting in the real world, we’ve compiled resources on less tangible topics, such as how to deal with the stress of acting and looking like a young profesisonal. Naptime in the middle of the afternoon, as common as it is in college, is strictly prohibited in professional workplaces. It is time to exit the college lifestyle. Consider this: Not everyone graduates from college. You’re part of a special group now, and you’ll certainly be better prepared to tackle real-world problems now, compared to when you were a high school graduate. Think about how much you’ve grown over the last four years, and how the skills you picked up in college will be of use in the real world.